Saturday 11 February 2017

Superdrug Skincare

Superdrug Naturally Radiant 2in1 Moisturiser and Serum
B. Confident Hyaluronic Acid Spritz
B. Men Charcoal Face Scrub

Following on from my mini Sleek Haul, I wanted to share a few of the other bits which I picked up from Superdrug as I find these types of posts quite interesting. I think its quite hard to find affordable skincare which ACTUALLY WORKS and is cruelty-free. With this in mind, when I found  out that all of Superdrug's own skincare was cruelty-free and vegan where possible, I obviously wanted to try some out.

I picked up these three items because they are what I needed at the time and also because they looked quite interesting. Hyaluronic Acid seems to be the *in* ingredient at the moment as it seems to be in everything. Although saying that it is SO good for your skin. I picked up the facial spritz as I wanted something that wasn't going to be heavy, I especially like that I can use this whenever I want, before bed to give my face some added moisture or even when I have make-up on for a little freshen up.
I have noticed that I seem to have less dry skin on my face recently, which could be because of the hyaluronic acid and the moisturiser/serum which I picked up. I normally just use E45 on my face however I wanted to get a proper facial moisturiser and I think this has made a difference.

The last thing which I got was actually from the men's section. When it comes to skincare, women normally have floral or fruity ingredients and I have found this facial scrub to be quite a change from my normal products. I think that this really is a hidden gem, it works so well and makes your skin so much brighter.

What skincare have you been buying lately? Have you tried any of the Superdrug skincare range?

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