Thursday 2 March 2017

Buying make-up on eBay | Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit & Modern Renaissance Palette

I wanted to do this post as I thought it would be interesting, I don't really know what gave me the idea, I think I was just in bed one night after Christmas, wondering if anyone had put unwanted christmas gifts on Ebay. I've never actually really bought much on eBay before this, I have a few reflectors for photography and other bits and bobs but I mainly buy stuff on Gumtree if anything but it can be great for certain stuff, my parents love it and are always on there. I mainly stick to selling on eBay, I've written a whole post about selling tips!

I decided to search for make-up on auctions, as I felt that this would be the safer route to go down, if you go on eBay, even on the homepage they have TONS of people selling make-up and you can just never be certain if it's genuine or not. I did research into this, trying to find other peoples tips and tricks and also their experiences. The good thing about buying on eBay is using Paypal to pay, this offers you protection and means that if anything does go wrong then you can get your money back. 

I was careful with what I decided to buy, I didn't want to try and get any skincare, mascara or any type of lipstick product, anything like that just felt too weird. I did notice that there was eyeshadow palettes on there though, which I thought would be the perfect thing to experiment with as even though it's going on my skin, I can just easily remove with a make-up wipe etc.

When I bought both these palettes, it was from an auction. The pictures were okay, I chose sellers with pictures which looked like they have taken them themselves and not just gotten screenshots off of the internet. I also didn't want to spend too much incase they weren't real, I think that both of the above items came to around £40 and that includes postage and packaging. The whole process was quick and easy once I had won the auctions, they arrived in good time, even before I expected them to and they were in such good condition. I've included a lot of photos above for this post as I think that they're a necessity.

Now, whether they're real products or not is the hard thing to decide, I just don't know. The Modern Renaissance palette is such good quality, everything obvious is fine such as everything is spelt right, there isn't marks or dodgy bits. The quality of the actual product is also really good, the eyeshadows are quite pigmented and seem to last for a long time which is a good sign however they are quite powdery, not caulky but it does seem to go everywhere. The Glow kit is also the same, quite well made however I definitely think that this one is fake as the quality of the highlighters is not right. They seem quite caulky and don't seem to last very long, also when it arrived, even though everything was in such good condition, the highlighters weren't in the correct order if that makes sense. Also on the packaging of the eyeshadow palette, there is a picture of the palette (which you can see above) this is very blurred which doesn't seem right. I think some expert or someone who knows their stuff would probably be able to tell you straight away whether these were real or not. If I was someone that was made of money, the easiest thing to do would be to buy these palettes from the actual brands website and do a side by side comparison.

If it doesn't bother you whether they're real or not then these are the perfect buys however you will always be forever wondering. Also I feel that you don't get the same type of experience buying off of eBay instead of straight from the brand, which I think isn't worth getting it slightly cheaper. I would say that Anastasia Beverly Hills is a high end brand and you want that experience that comes with that brand. You want the saving up and the excitement and you don't get that (at least I don't) when trying to get it cheap somewhere other than from them.

However, after saying all this, one thing that I really like to get from eBay is false eyelashes. I have included a little image of some of my favourite eyelashes which I have been wearing almost everyday recently. Again, you have to be careful who/where you buy them from as there is some cheap looking ones on there (all shiny and so so fake looking) but when you really take time to look, you can find some really nice, more natural looking ones like the ones above which are SO cheap compared to some places. I think over christmas I bought some reduced eyelashes from one of the leading brands, it was around £10 for three pairs, and the above eyelashes, I paid around £4 for five pairs! You don't get the glue included or anything but I think these were actually hand made and look so natural when on.

I think that you need to be careful with what you're buying but it's completely up to you what you do, I think that some things are totally worth buying from eBay and others are better saving up for and treating yourself with. It's completely up to the individual as long as you're happy.

Have you bought any make-up/skincare from eBay before? Let me know what you think.


  1. Ebay is often my go to so I was so curious about this post! Really interesting to hear your experience, I am so glad to hear it was a good one, and your photos are seriously gorgeous, you capture these so beautifully :D swooning over the shades! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara (P.S we should absolutely follow each other on bloglovin or instagram haha :D xx)

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment! Yeah I didn't really find much on this subject so I thought it would be an interesting thing to talk about. I would definitely suggest picking up the eyeshadow palette, it is so good for everyday use as well as special occasions :)

      Madi x


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