Thursday 23 March 2017

Sleek MakeUP | Solstice Highlighter Palette

Sleek Solstice Highlighter Palette 

I picked this product up from Superdrug recently cause I've heard good things about this highlighter for a while now. I've heard people talk about how amazing it is however what I didn't realise is how amazing it also looks. When I got it in Superdrug, it was in a sealed black box and it wasn't until I got home and opened it up that I was greeted with the stunning gold packaging. I really think that this attention to the packaging and the little details makes it a really nice product to own, it's made it that little bit more special and it isn't "just" a highlighter.

Inside, as well as a massive mirror and a brush (which I have to admit I haven't used and probably won't but it's a nice touch) is four decent sized highlighters, two baked, one cream and a silky shimmer. They all have names:

Ecliptic: this is the cream highlighter and the first of the four, it is quite pink looking and very pigmented. A little of this goes a long way. I generally wear powder highlighters more than creams however I imagine this would be good in the summer. This with another of the highlighters layered over the top would look amazing.
Hemisphere: one of the baked variety, like Ecliptic it is quite pink toned but more of a soft lavender with iridescent pinks and silvers.
Subsolar: probably one of my personal favourites. It looks very yellow in the palette but once on the skin, it sort of sinks in and the yellow disappears. I would say that this one is the most natural looking, and would suit most skin tones.
Equinox: this is the second baked highlighter, it looks quite orange in the palette but isn't at all on the skin. This and Subsolar look really nice when worn together.

I don't really like to put tons of highlighter on as sometimes I think it can look quite fake and too sort of powdery? However these are so easy to use, wear and look really natural. They are the perfect buildable highlighter to just help enhance your skin and complexion. I would recommend this palette to anyone as I think it would suit all skin tones and because there is four highlighters and they're all different, it gives you so many options.

Have you tried anything from Sleek before?  What do you think of this highlighter palette?


  1. This looks like such a pretty palette!

    xo, Liz

  2. Everyone raves about this palette, I think I need to give it a try!xx

    1. It's so good! you definitely need to pick it up! xx

  3. It's the perfect palette cause it would suit so many people! so long lasting as well :) xx


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