Friday 2 September 2016

A Small Haul

This is (as the title suggests) an extremely small haul! As I mentioned in my home wishlist, the bank holiday for me was going to be spent in ikea however while we were out we also looked around various shops and went into Primark. A lot of the stuff which I have been wanting clothes wise recently has been online (good old Asos) however I decided to pick up a few bits as I hardly ever get the chance to shop in Primark.

The first thing that caught my eye was these two scarves, I know that its still quite hot outside and it's only the start of September however I just couldn't resist getting these! My love of all things Autumn got the better of me I think. I picked up the black one as I thought it was simple but nice and although I wear a lot of black already, I could always pair this with a bright hat or coat. The second is a lot more bright but still simple, I already have something quite similar to this however you can never have enough scarves/winter wear (thats what I keep telling myself anyway).

As well as these two bits, while browsing I also picked up two things from the beauty range, the first being this silicone make-up brush which I did see on Lily's blog and she said it would be the perfect tool to apply skincare masks with, I thought that this was such a good idea which I've since told my mum about and she agrees, much easier and hopefully less messy then using fingers.

The second thing that I purchased was this brush cleaner. Now normally when I clean my brushes I use my hands and swirl the brush around in my palm to clean it however this brush cleaner could be a good way to really get into the brush and clean them properly. I know this is only cheap and that real techniques also do a similar but bigger brush cleaner but I just wanted to try this out and see how I got on with it with the intention to perhaps purchase a different/bigger one in the future.

What have you been buying recently?

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