Wednesday 21 September 2016

Inspiring Magazines

Now that I'm back at uni, I thought that I would share a few unusual magazines which I find really help me when I'm looking for inspiration and don't want to look in the obvious places. All of these magazines I picked up in Whsmith, I've found that the one near me does a lot of fashion magazines and tends to stock a few of the unusual ones. This is something which does change store to store I believe but bigger stores should have more of a range and I think you can check online what they stock and perhaps order them to store.

Suitcase is one of the first more unusual magazines that I picked up. It's a mix of travel and fashion and just has the most beautiful images inside which will appeal to most people. I like magazines with good inspiration images but with good articles mixed in. With a lot of Fashion magazines, I find a lot of the pages can be filled with adverts, so generally I like to pick up "other" magazines which can be quite different with their content. With any type of magazine, I don't buy them each month, I don't pick up the same magazine each month and I don't care about issues or dates. I've gotten "out of date" magazines on gumtree before for free which have been more inspiration to me then that months Vogue for example.

I would recommend any of these three magazines pictured as they are slightly more unusual with their images and content, yet are still inspirational and refreshing. Not pictured but also highly recommended is "frankie" magazine which is from Australia but again, you can find in Whsmith. These are all magazines which you can flick through, keep on your coffee table or sit down and properly read. I find that they are also quite timeless so I can also pick them up months later and they are still "current" or relevant.

I would love some magazine recommendations as I'm always on the look out for unusual/inspiration magazines.

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