Friday 7 October 2016

Glossybox - September box

I am aware that it is already the 7th of October as I write this however I still wanted to get this post up, it has however just taken me slightly longer to try out all the bits and bobs included in this months box. So although I'm pretty sure my next box is on the way to me already, I thought that now would be as good as time as any to review what I got in my September box. 

This month it was a collaboration between Red magazine and Glossybox which meant that of course, the box also had to be red. These are something that I keep as I find them handy for storing things in as they keep everything together, are nice and strong and also pleasing to look at so i'm quite happy with this. Again everything came really well wrapped up, nothing broken or damaged and it also arrived really quick after I got the confirmation email. 

Hydro Face Mask 
Unless you have been living under a rock then you would have see that sheet masks are becoming a big thing lately, everyone from bloggers to magazines have been raving about them however they have been around for a while, and have always been quite popular in places like Korea especially. I was really excited to get the opportunity to try one out. This mask is aimed at people with dry skin as it offers 120 hours of hydration and although I don't particularly have dry skin, I couldn't turn this down! The mask is quite simple to use, you peel off the protective film and apply the mask to your face, this mask comes in two parts, making it easier to put on (and stay on). Although the mask didn't fall off at all, I did find that it would slip down over my top lip which was annoying and also strangely itchy but nothing too major. After you've left the mask on for 15 minutes or so, you're good to remove and then rub any of the leftover product into your skin. I applied this mask after a bath and cleanse. I think that it did make quite a different when I first took it off, my skin was really noticeably soft however I don't think I would be able to say whether I felt this lasted for 120 hours or not. I think that this was a very weird but good experience however with masks I tend to go for are purifying or brightening ones rather then moisturising.

Rodial Smokey Eye Pen
I am a big fan of having heavy eye make-up on, I love a wing for everyday and it is just me now because it is my go to look. However I have always chosen to use liquid products as I find them easier to use and work with. My first impressions of this pencil was that it felt very expensive and also like a mix between pencil and liquid as it is very soft, this would make it perfect for smokey looks (hence the name). Because I can't use this for doing a wing eyeliner look, I have found that recently I have been enjoying using a bit of both, pencil and liquid liner. So for instance I'll either apply this first and get it close to my natural eye-line, almost tight line with it before smoothing it out with liquid and adding a wing or I'll put my eyeliner on first, and they apply this over the top, again almost tight-lining. I have found that it really works well either way and gives me a perfect black line, more so then if I just use liquid.
I really cannot fault this at all, I find it gives a perfect finish whatever look you're going for (neat or smudged) and stays put all day. What more could you want.

GOSH Long lasting lip marker 
Lipstick is something that I cannot get to suit me and this is something which I have had to come to terms with. If its a light pink (natural looking) or nude, this tends to work but anything too dark (red for example) I hate, doesn't suit me and (to me anyway) tends to make my face look fat. Although I would love to be someone with a massive lipstick collection and could wear a different colour every day of the week, this is never going to happen so I tend to spend my money on eye make-up, foundations or bases rather than lip products. 
When I received this, I did give it a good try however lip stains are something which I have experimented with in the past, I hate having dry lips and I think this is something which is unavoidable if you wear a lip marker. Although it seemed to go on well and was a nice colour (just not on me), lipsticks, markers and stains are just something that I doubt I'll ever be able to get on with. 
However they are something which my sister really likes so this will not go to waste, but will go to her instead. 

Too Faced Better than sex Mascara
This mascara is AMAZING and by far one of my favourite things from this box. And I have to say, I am someone who doesn't like even spending £10 on mascara let alone £19 however I will definitely be repurchasing this in the future as I love it so much. It does everything, its black, lengthens, lifts and also holds in place, I don't find that it runs or rubs off easily either. When I wash it off, it makes quite a mess however this is something that I will be able to live with. I think the only thing that I would possibly change about this mascara is the name as it makes it quite embarrassing having to explain when someone asks.. 

Revlon Gel Envy Diamond Top Coat 
I have mentioned in another post that I get my nails done so I don't paint them myself or own that many nail polishes, however I do paint my toenails every so often so this will be something that I can use on them. I tend to find that nail polish on my toes seems to last quite a long time anyway as toes are always hidden by socks etc. However long lasting polish is never a bad thing. I don't have too much of an impression of this yet but it seems to be a good, shiny top coat and after more use I think I would be able to have more of an opinion. 

As well as the five products above, I was also given a free sample of one of the new Bodyshop face masks. I've seen these a lot over Instagram and they seem to have a lot to offer, there is five new masks I believe and two or three of them are also vegan, this one included. This is basically (to me) a mud mask, it smelt nice, there was a good amount in the sample and I also liked that there was bits in the mask, which make it easy to exfoliate with when washing it off. The only thing that I will say is that it was SO messy so I suggest having this on in the bath. It seemed to leave my skin a lot brighter after having it on and is basically everything that I look for in a mask while being natural and also vegan (did i mention that?) which is very important when it comes to cosmetics. 

I really enjoyed this box, I felt that there was a good selection, a nice range of products (full size and everything) and things which I could try and perhaps give away. Thats what I like about this box and Glossybox in general. I liked the collaboration as well, this could be a good way for them to go in the future. 

In the October box I'm hoping for more of the same, a good selection of products with a theme, preferably halloween and hopefully some haircare products as it has been mainly focused on make-up.

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