Wednesday 24 August 2016

Recent Reads

When it comes to reading it is always somethings that I love to do and that I often find is an escape, something which is personal and done to unwind and relax. However saying this, I also love discussing books as everyone has different opinions. Me and my Nan will often buy two books in Tesco to get the offer as a little treat and then we'll swap the books once we've finished reading them as we have similar tastes, like me she reads really quickly so this is something which happens regularly. I enjoy sharing this little past time with her as we'll often discuss the books and we each have our favourites. I normally go for quite "girly" books as I like something which I don't have to concentrate to much on. The above books are some that I have recently read (or am still reading).

Me Before You + After You
I first bought this when the trailer for the film came out as I wanted to read it before seeing the film as the concept really interested me. I really enjoyed reading this book and yes, it did make me cry! I also showed my friend the trailer as we were intended to see it together and she also decided to read the book first. For me, it was one of those books which you just instantly can't put down. I think the film was also really good and followed along the same lines as the book really well. However they did leave out something which I felt was quite an important event for one of the main characters and helped them both bond because of their traumatic experiences. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read the book however I just felt this explained her character really well and made her who she was and without it she was just a slightly weird women..? I think that the book has real depth to it and is a good read for many people. It really gets you thinking.
The sequel to this (after you) was again, really good in itself as a book and did tie up what happened to all the characters really nicely if you felt like you needed to find out what happened after the first book however I just can't help but slightly dislike the direction that it was taken in. I really enjoyed parts of it however I think some of it was just written so they could release a sequel. I don't think that you absolutely have to read the sequel as the first book is just so good by itself.

Four weddings and a Fiasco
This was a really easy read which I enjoyed, one of the elements of this book is that the main character is a photography and this isn't something which is often used in books, their jobs don't normally come into the story too much. I felt that this was quite unusual. I know that they say not to judge a book by its cover but this book did catch my eye because of just how pretty it is! The colour blue is probably one of my favourite colours and I'm a sucker for gold foil but regardless of what it looks like, this was again, one of those books where you just have to read really fast to find out what happens.

According to Yes
I was drawn to this book by the author as I have always found her funny however I have never read any of her books (she has three I believe). I am currently still reading this book as although the chapters are short (something which I like in a book) I'm finding it a bit of a slow read. I'm about a 1/4 of the way through and not much seems to have happened yet, however I think that it will pick up slightly later on in the book. So far a 38 year old primary school teacher has moved to Manhattan to be a nanny for a man who has moved him and his children back home to his parents house while he is having a divorce. The concept of the book is that they are quite controlled by the grandmother as she likes order and quiet however the nanny is quite eccentric and really shakes things up in the household. I'm not too big a fan of how Dawn French writes, I find it a bit.. momsy? but not in a bad way, its just quite different to what I normally read. It has been nice to read this book quite slowly as normally I race through books.

What books have you recently read?

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