Friday 19 August 2016

What's in my bag?

After realising that the blog that I created all the way back in November got put on the back burner for a little bit ~too~ long, I felt that now was as good a time as any to continue with the blog that I started with so many good intentions. I thought that showing you some of the things that I carry round with me on a daily basis would be a good place to start. 

The bag in question is quite a large one from H&M which I got in the sale for £15. I always tend to favour large bags as I like to generally keep a lot of stuff with me and it is also the bag that I take to uni with me so it has to hold notebooks etc. I don't really seem to change bags very often, I prefer to own one for a long time and take care of it. I don't think I have ever owned a coloured/colourful bag, it will always be black. I tend to go quite classic with the intentions that it will go with everything! I  try to just take the essentials around with me but I do tend to get carried away, and in no time its normally full of stuff, half of which I probably don't need. 

The make-up bag is from Cath Kidson and was given to me as a Christmas present by a friend. It is a really good size as I like to literally carry around my entire make-up collection. I like that this is made from a wipe clean fabric as it makes keeping it clean a lot easier, as we all know how messy make-up can be!

I like to keep make-up for touch ups with me at all times, such as a foundation and a brush (obvs) and also mainly eyeliner and mascara as I tend to wear a lot of black eye make-up. I also find that keeping hairbands and hair clips are essentials, you never know when you (or a friend) will need one. As well as this, perfume/spray, a hairbrush and gum are things that I tend to have with me.

A few other little essentials that I try to always have with me is wipes, something that you generally will always need or use at one point or another. This also stands for hand gel and headache tablets. I always keep a pair of sunglasses with me as well and also lipbalm as this is something which I find myself reapplying at all times of the day and night. 

Not pictured is things like my purse/phone/keys, things which everyone has in their bag as well as a carrier bag (damn 5p charge), phone charger, endless receipts and probably crisp/sweet wrappers. Things which aren't very photogenic, however saying that this has given me the perfect opportunity to clear out my bag. 

What do you keep in your bag?


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