Thursday 8 December 2016

Ruby Professional Make-Up Brushes

Make up brushes are something which I use every day and know the importance of, however I just never seem to buy. I would much prefer to spend money on make up however the tools which we apply make-up with are just as important and can really make a difference. 

When I got Novembers Glossybox through, Ruby Professional were one of the brands included. They sent a fluffy eyeshadow brush and I liked the look of this straight away. I liked the simple appearance of the brush, it looked very professional, hence the name. I also liked the way it made my eye make-up look. If you're one of those people that isn't very good at applying eyeshadow, get a fluffy brush because it makes ALL the difference. 

After some more research I went ahead and bought a complete set from their website, they don't offer much on their site and it needs some serious adjustment and spellcheck done to it, but the recommendation came from Glossybox who I trust so I didn't let this stop me from ordering. Because it's christmas I thought that I would treat myself so these are a little present from me to me.

They came all the way from Ireland but arrived really quick which I was pleased about. In the set you get a large power brush, foundation brush, angled contouring brush, a large tapered eyeshadow brush and also a precision blending brush. This is quite a lot for a starter kit however each brush would be one that you actually use, I really dislike when companies include brushes which they know no one will use. Included in this set is a "leatherette" bag which I didn't know I was getting and probably won't ever use, I always put my make-up brushes in a stand however I can imagine this would be good for travelling. When I got this and was opening it, I noticed that the make-up brushes were sort of stuck in the bag? It's hard to explain but I'm assuming that they were put in this to display the brushes and make the packaging nice however it was almost like they were put in the bag wet or something as the handles are a slightly weird texture now, almost bumpy? Which I doubt would have happened if these hadn't been put in the bag, you can see this a tiny bit in the images above. I'm not sure whether this was a fault but because it didn't effect the actual brushes and to avoid hassle I didn't bother sending them back. I think this is the danger of ordering online and from a smaller known brand. 

The brushes themselves are really nice, lovely and soft. They are professional looking and I can safely say that I have used every brush in the set. So far I am really impressed and haven't had any trouble (apart from what I've mentioned above) which I am pleased about as I didn't expect too much as I haven't heard of this brand before. These brushes cost me around £27 including postage which isn't too bad considering how many I got. However I believe that they are currently on sale so this is the perfect time to treat yourself to this little beauty discovery. 

I was nicely surprised with how high quality these brushes are and look forward to continuing to use them in the future. 

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