Tuesday 31 January 2017

Recent Reads + Mini Book Haul

This is a combination of a recent reads post and also a little book haul as I haven't actually read many of these books yet. I was a bit bored on amazon and I love buying second-hand books so one afternoon I got a bit spendy.

I bought Bloom because I have been following Esteé Lalonde for a while (ages actually, like literally years) and it was one of the only *youtuber* books which I have taken an interest in. What I liked about this book was the focus that she put on photography, the images in it are actually beautiful and go with the aesthetic of the books so well. Aside from the look of it (well done if you spotted in in my Topshop make-up post) it is actually a good read, I'm not really sure what category it falls into but has a bit of everything in it including advice about life and fashion and allows you to learn a bit more about her. I really enjoyed reading it and I would recommend picking it up.

As well as Bloom, I also picked up a few other books including Feeding Time by Adam Biles, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov and Nocturnal Animals by Austin Wright. I wouldn't really say that I have a certain type of book which I like to read but normally I read trashy romantic novels and while theres nothing wrong with that, I wanted to expand on what I'm reading. I'm really interested in reading Lolita as that is a classic and also Nocturnal Animals as I'll probably watch the film after!

What have you been reading lately?


  1. I love buying books too, although I never really know what to do with them afterwards. Do you keep them on your bookshelf or do you give them away?

    I just finished The Vegetarian by Han Kang which was quite a disturbing read; very different to anything else honestly.

    nat // dignifiable

    1. I know what you mean, I actually only keep a book if I really loved reading it and normally display them or lend them to friends but I do give away books to charity as well. After a while when my collection is getting a little bit too big I will go through and remove the ones I don't think i'll read again.

      I actually have that book in my amazon basket! Will probably be reading that soon

      Madi x


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