I started getting acrylics as I hated my natural nails, I could never grow them and would often bite them and the skin around my nails (gross I know) but it was something that I would do often when I was nervous. My friend started getting her nails done and after a few months I started to go with her. Now I won't actually say where I get mine done, however it is important to go to a professional nail salon as my friend went to one before our current salon and was told that they had nearly filed her nails down to the point of no return and you could actually notice this as she had these ridges along her nails. They have since regrown however if she had kept going to that place they would have ruined her nails.

The people that we go to now, not only listen and can do some fabulous nail art, but because we have been going there so long, they know what we like and dislike.

The first time that I got my nails done, I got them super long, sort of rounded and a deep shade of red, which I loved and over the various months I have really experimented with my nails as there is just countless options. I have gone through various colours, nail art and having them different shapes and lengths. This has helped me figure out what I like and dislike, for instance I like having them quite short now however I used to get them really long. Having them shorter, means that I can type easier and that I don't pull (rip) them off as much however they still look nice. I also like having them either square or coffin shaped depending on how long they are. I find that this suits my hands a lot more and they also tend to keep this shape better, as when I have got them curved or pointy in the past, they seem to grow out and lose this shape quite quickly. The good thing about acrylics is that they last three weeks, which is a long time and also short. So if the length is too long or I chose a colour that I liked but then started to hate, it's never long before I can get them changed. There is something so satisfying about getting my nails redone after I've chipped the polish or they look really noticeably grown out. Acrylics aren't obviously for everyone, I go through weeks when I literally destroy them and then I have weeks when they still look perfect. My sister has no interest in things like this and she actually has really lovely long nails anyway, similar to my mum.

I am always on pinterest trying to find nail art however often I will just get ALL THE GLITTER. For instance the glitter tip that she created for me (above) has four different types of glitter. On the rare occasions when I haven't had my acrylics done or I've had them removed, I've not noticed too much of a difference to my natural nails. I think that this would depend on person to person but I seem to have quite strong nails (which I'd extremely happy about).

I do have these moments when I think it's so stupid that I pay someone to add bits of plastic and acrylic to my nails to make my hands look nicer? However then I often think that it's not just that, it's a chance for me to treat and take care of myself and more often then not it's a chance for me and my friend to catch up and gossip, we've had some pretty interesting conversations in that nail salon. It gives us a chance to sit side by side and just talk about anything and everything.

I probably won't get keep getting my nails done forever and who knows, maybe in the future I'll just get shellac instead but for now I'm enjoying experimenting with my nails. It's the only thing that I actually get "done", some people have their eyebrows done and bits waxed however I'm very low maintenance about that kind of stuff and apart from getting my haircut, it's the only time that I actually spend money on myself.

What are some beauty treatments that you can't live without?

Eco Tools 
Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Palette 

After getting some boots vouchers through the post, I thought that now would be the perfect time to treat myself to some new make-up and most importantly, brushes. I have always been a fan of the Eco Tools range, they were the first proper make-up brushes that I was given for one of my birthdays when I was younger and I still have those brushes now AND use them regularly. I have always been a believer in needing good quality make-up tools to apply make-up with as they can change everything. So when I got a voucher offering 10% off, I picked three which I thought would add to my collection nicely.

I selected the stippling brush as I thought this would be a good brush to apply my base with, I am always changing the way that I do this as I don't like to look like I am caked in make-up. After using this brush for a while now, I've found that it allows me to create the perfect coverage. I've found that is is also good for using after a concealer to make sure everything is blended. The smaller brush which you can see in the above image is a concealer brush and although I have been experimenting with using this for my concealer, I tend to prefer a bigger, more fluffy brush for this. However I have found that this brush is really good for blending eyeshadows and tidying up the eye area.
And finally, I got a big, fluffy brush for powder, blush and bronzer. I have mainly used it to apply bronzer all over my skin as now we are in Autumn and going into Winter, I find my skin needs more help with colour. This brush gives me a nice glowy look without being caked in bronzer and although it is a big brush, still allows you to be quite precise with where you apply.

The best thing about Eco Tools is that they are 100% cruelty free and are made from natural and recycled materials. Their packaging is also really nice, looks fresh and really grabs your attention. However they do use these like, reusable pouches to sell their brushes in and while that might be good for some (and perhaps travelling) I just take mine out and put them with my other brushes.

Now, while I was in Boots and heading for the checkout, I found this Max Factor Palette which I just couldn't leave without. I tend to have a bit of a love/hate relationship with eyeshadows as I'll either wear them all the time or not at all, it depends on how long I have to do my make-up and whether I'm feeling lazy or not. I first noticed this palette when Kate did a blog post on it and I remember thinking how could such a beautiful palette be so cheap.
They had a range of options however I went for the Cappuccino Nudes Palette as I thought that I would get the most wear out of this and boy was I right. So many of the shades are so wearable and you can either just sweep a shimmery shade across your eyes for a bit of glam or you can do a full on smokey eye which makes this palette so useful and gives you so many options. The shades themselves are quite creamy in consistency and last well. I have also noticed that you don't get that much fall out when using this palette which is something that you get with "cheaper" eyeshadows. I like how there is a good range of colours in the palette, not too many and also that there is a mix of matt and shimmery as often in palettes from a drugstore you don't get this.

What make-up items have you added to your collection recently?

FALLEN SAINT. Delicate Feather Wrap Ring
WILLOW. Delicate Crystal Leaf Wrap Ring
DEATHLY ROSE. Detailed Antique Silver Ring

I've never been much of a jewellery person, mainly because I either forget to put any on or I find it too fussy, like braclets with their tiny clasps that you need help to get on and off.. Piercing jewellery is about the only thing that I tend to wear and even then I can go months without wearing anything in my lobes. The other issue that I have with jewellery is that unless you buy REALLY expensive stuff, it just turns your hands/fingers/ears green and you end up with either an infection or throwing it away.

However I decided to change this as I just felt so bare (and boring) and now that I know a bit more about my style and I can afford slightly more pricey jewellery, I felt like a few ring additions wouldn't be so bad.

The above jewellery all comes from Regal Rose, a shop which I have known about since forever and I'm not sure who actually introduced me to however they do such beautiful jewellery. I have actually been lusting over the rose ring for a good while (YEARS) and finally decided to treat myself. I wasn't too sure of my ring size so ordered a large with the intention of exchanging/returning it if need be but it fits on my index finger really well and has given me a good idea of what other sizes I would need for my other fingers.

Another shop which I have placed an order with is Rock N Rose, I was introduced to them by Helen as I was watching her youtube channel (vlogs) and she received a package that they sent. After having a look, I fell in love with a few of their pieces. The good thing is that they actually offer 15% off for new customers which came in handy however I haven't actually received that package yet but I should be getting it this week as what I bought was on pre-order. Once that comes I will probably be writing up another post, but just for now I have ordered this one and this one.

Finally, one last ring which I CANNOT stop thinking about is this one by the Great Frog London. Their jewellery is worn by some youtubers that I watch, I first saw Sammi wearing them and then Jess and I think this influence could be why I am so obsessed as I see their jewellery so much. Now this ring is quite a bit more expensive than the others that I have mentioned in this post however for the quality and brand I think it would be worth it. I have a fairly big birthday coming up so I think I'll start dropping hints now...

What are your favourite places to buy jewellery from?

Again, I feel as if I'm typing this while the November box is on it's way to me however I just can't seem to rush this posts. The October Glossybox was a special one as it had the lovely Estée Lalonde guest editing it, she is so nice and comes across very down to earth so I think this collaboration was quite a successful one. As well as the collaboration, there was also a bonus product in this box which was a recommendation from Estée. It is a shampoo which is "apparently" new however the brand as been around for ages and I think they were just trying to re-invent themselves. There was a wait before the big reveal of the brand, and it turned out to be Head and Shoulders. Now this did actually surprise me a little however I was also hoping that it wasn't Head and Shoulders and was actually Dove or another brand as I was once told something about the brand a while ago which has sort of put me off for life, so although I'll be finishing the free sample, I doubt I'll be purchasing their shampoo in the future.

Truffle Cosmetics - Butterly Lip Cream
This was a lip product which was VERY well packaged up and was quite difficult to get into with me trying not to damage the cardboard packaging of the actual product. I think the packaging is one thing that I really like about this product, so bright and unusual but I dread to think what'll happen when it gets wet as it sort of feels like cardboard. As I have mentioned in other posts, I'm not really a lipstick kind of girl as although they are pretty to look at, I find them too fussy and none seem to suit me. However this is a nice nude shade, I think it would be slightly too nude on me and would just look weird next to my pale skin.

P.S Pro Longwear Lipliner
I have to admit that it was slightly annoying to me that we got TWO lip products in one box (even though they were different colours) I'm just not that interested in lip products however I'm sure lots of people probably LOVED this. Primark beauty isn't something that I would normally purchase from however having tried this on the back of my hand, the colour pay off was really good. It seems very pigmented and didn't come off that much, just faded slightly when I washed my hands but was definitely still there. This brand could be a great option for people who like to experiment with their lip products and colours but don't want to spend loads of money.

Secret Flush - Blusher and Lip Stain Duo
When I was unwrapping this, I was very interested as I seem to have a love/hate relationship with blush as I'll wear it constantly for a month then not touch any for weeks (there is no in-between). The packaging of this product is really nice, simple but clean and I like how little it is, perfect for fitting in a make-up bag. I have experimented with applying this both with a brush and my fingers and it works well either way, I have not tried this on my lips yet however I would imagine that it would be very natural looking, a "your lips but better" colour. This product is very build able which is a good thing as you can be as heavy handed as you like. I have enjoyed experimenting with this and I would like to see similar products to this in future boxes.

Bee Good Facial Exfoliator
These last two products are perhaps my favourites out of this box. This facial exfoliator doesn't look like much when you first get it. It has good packaging, a nice smell and even though it is advertised as "exfoliating", it doesn't look like it has any beads in. However once you actually use it for the first time and continue with your routine when you wash this off, thats when you notice what a big difference it has made to your skin. It's gentle however makes your skin so soft and it feels like it has benefited your skin. Exfoliating is something that I am generally quite careful with as I know you're not meant to do it too often as it can dry out the skin, however this product is very gentle and I imagine could be used quite often. I think that this has been a good edition to my skincare routine.

Rituals - The Ritual of Sakura body Cream
This is another one of my favourites from this box, I tend to not like getting small samples of body moisturisers however I find that they are good for on the go (in handbag) or for using as a "treat" every once in a while. This is exactly what this body cream will be for me as I want to make it last as long as possible because it just smells SO good. It is a really lovely, thick cream which you don't have to use too much of as it goes a long way. The smell also lingers nicely and you can still actually smell it on your skin ages after which is something that none of my other body creams do. Now I am terrible at describing scents so I googled Rituals and found out so much more info about this cream which I thought I'd share:
"A rich, velvety, whipped body cream that deeply nourishes your skin, with its unique blend of Vitamin E and antioxidants. Not only that but the Centella Asiatica in it will help strengthen your skin. Combined this with the wonderful, sweet fragrance of Cherry Blossom and Rice Milk and your skin will feel revitalised and silky soft.

So not only does it smell good it actually does so much for your body as well. This body cream really does feel like a luxury and I think would make a lovely gift for someone as well. 

I was actually really pleased with this months Glossybox as although there was two lip products, there was quite a lot of variety in this box and everything seemed so carefully selected. I get a beauty box each month because I like the surprise, the experiment of trying different products and the fact that it's out of my hands and I have to use something that someone else has selected for me. I feel like this keeps beauty fun for me and allows me to experiment and not get stuck or too complacent with my make-up. I think more of the same for next months box would be good and perhaps it would be nice to see some sure of base product, such as a primer or foundation to try out. 

I first discovered this hero of a product when my mum decided that it just was't working for her and gave it to me to use up. I thought I'd try it out and if I didn't like it then I could always give it away to my sister! On first impressions, I didn't think that this actually did anything to my hair however I don't think I used it properly to start with as I tried using a brush with it to "properly" blow-dry my hair which isn't how I would normally do my hair.

I like to rough dry my hair as I don't like faffing about with brushes, I don't think that they really help to dry my hair and it doesn't add any volume. What does seem to work for me is blowdrying my hair with my head upside down as this does add ALL the volume. This is where I have really noticed a difference by using this product. I spray a generous amount into the roots of my hair, either really wet or towel dry and then dry and it does make such a difference, it makes my hair so fluffy and bouncy. My mum doesn't really like to blow-dry her hair and likes to let it dry naturally which is why this wasn't the right product for her needs (even though it was recommended to her) as it needs the heat to activate it in a way?

My hair is naturally very straight (which I hate) so I'm always searching for ways to add volume and give it texture and I think that I have found something that really works. I tend to wash and dry my hair at night because I need texture in my hair, I can't do anything with it when it is freshly washed (and who can be bothered). I have also used this with a sea-salt spray and the two together were a really nice pairing. This product isn't even that expensive which makes it a haircare staple.

What's a hair care product that you can't live without?

I am writing this post while this decision is still very fresh. I wanted to create a slightly different post and share this, perhaps only just for me as it is a big decision and something that I might want to look back on in the future (but probably not). It is also quite long and I don't really know where I was going with some of it so be aware that this post is mainly just me putting my thoughts to paper (well, laptop). I also keep going over this post and writing and re-writing parts so to press publish at all is quite the achievement.

I think to understand me and this decision better, a bit of background history is relevant. I think it's important to note however that this isn't something which I particularly like to share about myself or my life and something which I could fill a whole other post with so i'll keep it simple.

I was home educated from birth until I was sixteen years old and went to college. This means that I have never been to pre-school, primary school or even a nursery. The decision to go to college was something that I wanted to do and I chose my subjects my self based on my interests without any input from parents or peers etc. I chose to do a Btec at college instead of three or four different subjects (a levels) as I wanted this to be really in-depth and also because I didn't want to study any other subjects, maths, english and all that don't interest me. I have always been more creative then academic and I chose subjects which I would enjoy. Alongside the Btec in photography I also decided to study one A level in textiles, this was slightly unusual as it was meant to be a lot of work but I wanted to do it anyway. As far as I was concerned, this was my time to study whatever I wanted to, subjects that I would enjoy. At this time in life, most people have an idea of what they want to do in the future so chose subjects to help them achieve that. However I didn't. So I decided to pick subjects that I thought could assist me in the future, whatever I decided to do.

After the completion of these (and achieving very good results) I decided that instead of going to university like most 18 year olds are pushed into, that I would instead complete a HND at my local college which was a two year course and would allow me to complete my degree at a university for a year (if I wanted). This is something which my college made sound like a fantastic opportunity and was clearly the better decision in their eyes.
I completed this course and again, got a good result which I was happy with. At times I hated it as I felt like a baby, still at the same college with sixteen years old around, but at other times I liked it as well as I have made some really good friends from this course that I'll probably have all my life. Just the routine of knowing what I was doing and where I was going was something which I enjoyed. I liked creating the work, I liked knowing what I was doing.

I don't know where my decision to go to university came from, like many people it was probably something that was always in the back of my mind, something that I was influenced towards by peers or that I just liked the idea of. It was talked about constantly for a little while in my life, teachers, parents and peers all wanted to hear about what I was going to do in the future. Some people were surprised that I had an interest in going and others seemed quite proud. I was the first in my family to follow the path that most people take. When I decided to go to uni, I was thinking about going with a very different course at a very different uni, something that would have been wrong for me and I am so glad that I realised that early on as I wouldn't have lasted the week. I made a change very late in the academic year and went to one which I felt would be right, however instead of having a course which was catered for me, I would be joining the third year of the BA course.

This was something which I was unsure about from the start however the university is one of the top in the country. I was unsure as joining somewhere where everyone knows everyone, everyone knows what they're doing and how things work is scary. This could be scary for anyone but it was a big step for me.

From the moment I started the course, something wasn't quite right. I always seem to know how i'm feeling about something as I'll get nervous. I have always assumed this was because I was excited and anticipating what's to come. However I did't get any of these feelings when I started, I just stopped all my overtime at my part time job and instead went to uni. No feelings of nervousness at all, nor of excitement. Throughout the few weeks I did realise that I would dread going in and put off doing research or work. The last week before I made the decision to leave was bad as I could barely leave my bed let alone my room. It wasn't right at all, I should have been motivated and happy, excited for everything to come however instead I was hiding away and trying not to think to much.

Certain feelings are easy to forget about or push away until you have to address them and this is sometimes the hardest part. I didn't want to tell anyone how I was feeling as I thought it was perhaps just me, that I was just going through a bad time in general however when I finally got enough courage to admit to my friend that I wasn't happy, it seemed that from that moment there was just a lighter feeling within me. This was one of the hardest things that i've ever had to address and admit to myself as this is just not like me. I'm just good, I do what i'm meant to do. Of all the years that I went to college, I think I had only a few days where I was sick and couldn't go in and that made me feel guilty enough. If i make a decision I stick to it. However this was just a decision I just couldn't stick to.

I think that a big part of when I came to realise that it wasn't for me was when I was thinking about the future, I couldn't imagine graduating and also I didn't want to. I was so unmotivated for anything and so unhappy all I wanted to do was be in bed and watch netflix.

The scariest part of the whole decision was that if I wasn't in uni, what was I going to do? this would be the first time that I would be out of education since I "started" at sixteen and for so many years it was all I had known and gotten used to and to a certain extent, enjoyed. I stupidly tried to research this decision, I read articles and watched youtube of people talking about their experiences, something which helped but also didn't and made me slightly mad as a lot of articles think that you have a plan B or its as simple as changing courses.

I have NO idea what I want to do in life, thats the scariest part, I have no plan B.

I think that university could really help me, if I knew what I wanted to do. If I wanted to be a photography teacher for example, I could work towards that goal and university, teachers etc could help with that. However I have no clue what I want to do. Never have done in all the years that I've been in education and it leaves me so stuck when people ask me. I also have no idea how anyone just decides what to do in life.The only thing I feel good at sometimes is working in retail. I think life experienced are so important however I am only 20 years old, there is so much left for me to experience. There is also no set track. I can do whatever I want and if I decide to return to uni in a year then so be it. I think for the moment I need to figure out what I want. I have no idea how to do that but thats what I need to do.

I decided that I wanted to leave (for now) as I cannot just make myself unhappy with the wrong choice and put up with it for a year. I'm not saying that uni might not ever be the right decision for me, I just don't think I should stay and make myself complete the course and get a bad degree. The best thing to do sometimes is take a step back. sometimes this means regrouping, making decisions and changing course. Some people will probably point out the money aspect, however to me, that doesn't matter. I would much rather have to pay that money back then be unhappy.

Something that terrified me was telling people, mainly my parents. I confided in my sister very early on as she was someone that was outside of it, she could give me advice and help rather then judge. I doubt my parents would have judged me, they are the most understanding people in the world. I didn't want anyone to feel disappointed in me or for people to not understand the situation and my decision, giving unwanted opinions or trying to push me to making the wrong decision.

I have decided to take this year for me, I know I need to figure out what I want but I also need to take some time for myself and take a break from everything to regroup. This is the first time in my life that I am completely free but also quite lost and I have no idea what I'm going to do but I'm going to see what happens and hope that I figure it out along the way.

These were some samples that I received from my sister which I think she was given for free. She's not very into skincare however I know that these are quite expensive and Clarins are obviously a very well known brand so when she offered them to me I jumped at the change of trying them out.
I have to admit that these samples are tiny however you can still get a good two or three uses from them. I know a lot of people use samples of products to travel with and these would be good for a short trip but otherwise you'd need a few of these to see you through!

On the Clarins website it describes the cleanser as
"a spa-fresh exfoliating facial cleanser that polishes-away make-up, embedded impurities and spent surface cells in one time-saving step to reveal the glowing skin beneath."

It claims to both cleanse and exfoliate, gently removing everything that makes the skin look dull, leaving the skin smooth and soft and it has orange extract which works to soften, refresh and revive the skin. I used this in the morning and one of the first things that I noticed about it was the lovely orangey scent that it has which was quite refreshing. The second thing that I noticed was that it was very light and was gentle on the skin as it claims to be while still allowing me to really cleanse my skin, it wasn't too gentle. If you were to use this at night, I would definitely suggest using another cleanser first to get rid of any make-up and then this to really work deep down. My skin felt very clean and soft after using this. It also felt like a treat for my skin but this could possibly be because I think the brand is quite high end (to me anyway).

After the cleanser, I used the HydraQuench cream as this seemed like a good combo. This is described as "Light and silky, smooth to apply and feather-light on the skin. Rapidly absorbed, this cream refreshes and hydrates." and thats literally how I would describe it. Although it is £36, I don't think that there is anything that special about it at all. It's definitely good, it's light and definitely moisturises your skin but for the price I just expected a little more from it. I wanted to be blown away by how good this was however I doubt I'll be willing to spend that much money in the future for something which didn't wow me. 

What beauty products have you been using lately?
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