Monday 7 November 2016

Glossybox | October Box

Again, I feel as if I'm typing this while the November box is on it's way to me however I just can't seem to rush this posts. The October Glossybox was a special one as it had the lovely Estée Lalonde guest editing it, she is so nice and comes across very down to earth so I think this collaboration was quite a successful one. As well as the collaboration, there was also a bonus product in this box which was a recommendation from Estée. It is a shampoo which is "apparently" new however the brand as been around for ages and I think they were just trying to re-invent themselves. There was a wait before the big reveal of the brand, and it turned out to be Head and Shoulders. Now this did actually surprise me a little however I was also hoping that it wasn't Head and Shoulders and was actually Dove or another brand as I was once told something about the brand a while ago which has sort of put me off for life, so although I'll be finishing the free sample, I doubt I'll be purchasing their shampoo in the future.

Truffle Cosmetics - Butterly Lip Cream
This was a lip product which was VERY well packaged up and was quite difficult to get into with me trying not to damage the cardboard packaging of the actual product. I think the packaging is one thing that I really like about this product, so bright and unusual but I dread to think what'll happen when it gets wet as it sort of feels like cardboard. As I have mentioned in other posts, I'm not really a lipstick kind of girl as although they are pretty to look at, I find them too fussy and none seem to suit me. However this is a nice nude shade, I think it would be slightly too nude on me and would just look weird next to my pale skin.

P.S Pro Longwear Lipliner
I have to admit that it was slightly annoying to me that we got TWO lip products in one box (even though they were different colours) I'm just not that interested in lip products however I'm sure lots of people probably LOVED this. Primark beauty isn't something that I would normally purchase from however having tried this on the back of my hand, the colour pay off was really good. It seems very pigmented and didn't come off that much, just faded slightly when I washed my hands but was definitely still there. This brand could be a great option for people who like to experiment with their lip products and colours but don't want to spend loads of money.

Secret Flush - Blusher and Lip Stain Duo
When I was unwrapping this, I was very interested as I seem to have a love/hate relationship with blush as I'll wear it constantly for a month then not touch any for weeks (there is no in-between). The packaging of this product is really nice, simple but clean and I like how little it is, perfect for fitting in a make-up bag. I have experimented with applying this both with a brush and my fingers and it works well either way, I have not tried this on my lips yet however I would imagine that it would be very natural looking, a "your lips but better" colour. This product is very build able which is a good thing as you can be as heavy handed as you like. I have enjoyed experimenting with this and I would like to see similar products to this in future boxes.

Bee Good Facial Exfoliator
These last two products are perhaps my favourites out of this box. This facial exfoliator doesn't look like much when you first get it. It has good packaging, a nice smell and even though it is advertised as "exfoliating", it doesn't look like it has any beads in. However once you actually use it for the first time and continue with your routine when you wash this off, thats when you notice what a big difference it has made to your skin. It's gentle however makes your skin so soft and it feels like it has benefited your skin. Exfoliating is something that I am generally quite careful with as I know you're not meant to do it too often as it can dry out the skin, however this product is very gentle and I imagine could be used quite often. I think that this has been a good edition to my skincare routine.

Rituals - The Ritual of Sakura body Cream
This is another one of my favourites from this box, I tend to not like getting small samples of body moisturisers however I find that they are good for on the go (in handbag) or for using as a "treat" every once in a while. This is exactly what this body cream will be for me as I want to make it last as long as possible because it just smells SO good. It is a really lovely, thick cream which you don't have to use too much of as it goes a long way. The smell also lingers nicely and you can still actually smell it on your skin ages after which is something that none of my other body creams do. Now I am terrible at describing scents so I googled Rituals and found out so much more info about this cream which I thought I'd share:
"A rich, velvety, whipped body cream that deeply nourishes your skin, with its unique blend of Vitamin E and antioxidants. Not only that but the Centella Asiatica in it will help strengthen your skin. Combined this with the wonderful, sweet fragrance of Cherry Blossom and Rice Milk and your skin will feel revitalised and silky soft.

So not only does it smell good it actually does so much for your body as well. This body cream really does feel like a luxury and I think would make a lovely gift for someone as well. 

I was actually really pleased with this months Glossybox as although there was two lip products, there was quite a lot of variety in this box and everything seemed so carefully selected. I get a beauty box each month because I like the surprise, the experiment of trying different products and the fact that it's out of my hands and I have to use something that someone else has selected for me. I feel like this keeps beauty fun for me and allows me to experiment and not get stuck or too complacent with my make-up. I think more of the same for next months box would be good and perhaps it would be nice to see some sure of base product, such as a primer or foundation to try out. 

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