Wednesday 30 November 2016

Glossybox | November

This months Glossybox was the best one that I have received yet! I really liked the whole theme of getting ready for the party season and the products seemed to really fit with this. I like how this time the box was focused on things other than lipstick as this has played a big roll in boxes recently (and there's one coming in the next box...)

Ruby Professional Blending Brush
I love using make-up brushes and I like using new ones (but not cleaning them) however I'd rather buy make-up than brushes... The only ones I tend to use are Real Techniques or Eco Tools as they seem to be the only ones you can get on the high street and I won't buy from Mac. I didn't expect much from this brush however I was nicely surprised and the more I use it the more I like it. So much so that I've actually purchased more from this brand. This brush is really big and fluffy and works so well for blending eyeshadow. I also like the appearance of it, it looks clean and professional.

111Skin Facial Treatment Mask
I used this not long after getting my box through, I really pampered myself and deeply cleansed my skin before using this mask. I found that apart from slipping down my face slightly, it stayed on really well. I find sheet masks quite a luxury to use. It did say on the packaging to use the mask 2-3 times a week which just would not happen for me. I like using face masks but thats just too much. Once a week or month would be fine! It did feel like a treat for my skin and left it feeling very smooth afterwards.

Wilkinson Sword Disposable Razors
This was a surprise to find in the box however fits in well with the whole "party" theme. I tend to use the cheapest razors I can find because I hate spending lots of money on something that I'm just going to throw away and I also think that it's not what you shave with but how you shave sometimes. I don't much to say about this, it did what I expected and did it nicely but I doubt I'll be tempted to buy them in the future unless they are on offer etc

Nanogen Hair Thickening Spray
I have only used this a handful of times so far however I really like this and the results that I can achieve. I like to use thickening sprays as I find they really help my hair and give it so much body. With this one I have found that if you apply to much it does the exact opposite of what you want and weights down your hair instead of helping. A little goes a long way always. The other thing which I have found is that you have to have your hairdryer set to quite a warm setting to get the most out of the spray, I tend to use a slightly lower heat setting and it allows me to slowly dry my hair using my brush but with this it works better when your hairdryer is really warm/hot.

De Bruyere Beauté Jumbo Eye Pencil
This was something that I really wanted to love when I saw it in the box. I loved the idea of it and how easy it sounded however this just would not work for me. I loved the colour as well as it is the nicest shimmery khaki colour which would suit so many peoples eyes. But when it came to applying this to the eyelid, I just couldn't get it to stay put. I would glide it all over the eye as it says to and then try to just blend the edges out slightly however it would just all come off. It's almost like way too slippy? The amount that I then did manage to get onto my eye then either rubbed off throughout the day or transferred to above my eye which was not a good look. I'm not sure whether I'm just not applying this right but I just couldn't get this to work for me so I am slightly disappointed.

Overall I have really enjoyed this months box. I thought that the theme worked well with party season coming up and all these products would be perfect to help create the best you possible for a night out. I felt that we have really gotten something different with this box instead of just another lipstick and I would like to see that carry on next month. I'm really excited to see next months box which should be arriving really soon.

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