Thursday 3 August 2017

Garnier Ultimate Blends - Soothing Hydrating Body Lotion

Up until recently I was the worst at looking after myself and keeping my skin hydrated. I've always been one to drink a lot of water but using lotions and potions was never something that I was into (and I call myself a beauty blogger?!). I would always moisturise as although I have fairly normal skin, it can get quite dry - which meant I just covered myself in E45 and got on with my day.

It was only until recently that I started using a separate face and body moisturiser (I know), Simple for my face and this little amazing Garnier product from the Ultimate Blends range for my body. I've always been a fan of Garnier products, they have such nice branding and the collection is impressive, they've got something to suit everyone.

I was drawn to the Delicate Oat range because it's meant for people with dry and sensitive skin (which mine can be). There's something about this product which is calming and soothing - I think it's the light, soft packaging. It seems quite luxe and special.

I've been using this product for well over two weeks now and I think it's my favourite body lotion that I've used in a long time. It's quite a thick product, which is lovely and nourishing but sinks into skin quickly and doesn't feel sticky, this means you can get dressed straight away, something I look for when it comes to body moisturiser. It also smells incredible, it's got very light fragrance of vanilla, oats and almonds which is so lovely for everyday wear and lasts throughout the day.

I can see myself using this for a long time to come as it's just the perfect, hydrating body lotion for me which smells incredible and leaves my skin feeling so soft and healthy. Have you tried anything from the Ultimate Blends range before?


Tuesday 1 August 2017

Life Lately - Where I Am Right Now

Sooo life lately... There's not much to say really.

I'm still in the same position I was in 7 months ago, still a drop out from University, still living at home, still can't drive and still working a barely getting me through retail job only now they've cut most of my hours.. BUT I have gained a boyfriend, and a lovely new desk so it's swings and roundabouts really.

The only difficult thing about this year is that last month I would have finished uni, handed in my last project and completed my degree. This month would have been my graduation (thats if I did indeed do well enough to graduate) and I wouldn't be thinking of it too much (if at all really) apart from everyone that I seem to know is graduating themselves so it is everywhere. ALL over social media including instagram and Facebook so there's no escaping the fact that everyone is smiling and wearing that famous cap and gown and doing something that never really bothered me before, but it's something that I know I'll never do.

It's very surreal to think about. I don't regret dropping out but I regret other decisions since. It's funny how one thing can change everything. I did a whole post about dropping out of university however I've never read that post back. Perhaps I will some day but it doesn't feel like enough time has passed yet for me to even want to read it.

The feelings that I'm mainly having now I suppose would be stuck. There's nothing wrong with still living at home or not driving or having a retail job but there is so much pressure from everyone to do well with your life and keep moving forward and a lot of this pressure just comes from yourself. Driving is something which gives me a lot of anxiety yet I feel dumb not having passed my test already cause if 17 year olds can do it why can't I?

It's very easy to get trapped in negative thinking and very hard to keep taking positive steps and making positive decisions when you're feeling very stuck with where you are. I guess a good way of describing the way I'm feeling would be failing, failing because everyone seems to be going 100 miles an hour and I'm stuck doing 20 (a very bad example considering I can't drive).

When it comes down to it, I am happy. Day to day I'm laughing and smiling, I have a great boyfriend who is so motivating and encouraging of everything I do and an amazing family who will always love and support me and there's not much else I could wish for. I need to remind myself (sometimes daily) that not everyone goes at the same pace and it's okay that I'm where I am right now. Thing's will change, I won't always feel the way I feel right now and that's okay.

This is another one of those posts where I just write to get my feelings out of my head, there's probably not much flow (or sense) to the words above but that's life. Normal, happier posts will return soon.


Monday 3 July 2017

A Trip To Brighton

A couple of Fridays ago, my boyfriend and I decided to have a little adventure to Brighton. I have never been before (not properly anyway) and we kept saying that we would go sometime soon together and it just came about quicker than we expected. It was a bit all weather dependent as the uk has had a bit of a heatwave recently but every time we thought about going, it was always raining! However, it was nice and sunny and not too hot, so we decided to go.

We left around 8am and got there around 10:30am because of the traffic and also because we weren't in a massive rush. One thing that we did do which helped so much (and I definitely recommend doing) was booking a parking space, we managed to find a pretty secure garage within Brighton lanes. The lanes were one of the main reasons why I wanted to go to Brighton and this put us right in the middle of them, it was cheap and allowed us to go back and forth to the car as we pleased because it wasn't miles away.

We didn't have much of a plan for the day, one of the first things we did when we got there was grab a coffee and head straight for the beach. Obviously Brighton is famous for it's beaches and pier so we couldn't go to Brighton and not pay them a visit. After exploring the pier, we wandered around the lanes for ages, had lunch at Jamie's Italian (which was SO good) and then headed for The Royal Pavilion. This is such a strange looking building on the outside but the weather was teasing rain and we wanted to explore as much of Brighton as possible. It was much better than I expected, nice to walk around slowly and there was even a little exhibition of Jane Austin by the Sea which I know my mum would have loved.

After this, we explored more of the lanes, got another coffee and soon decided to head home, trying to avoid as much traffic as possible. We didn't go into too many shops, shopping wasn't really on the to do list however we did go into a really cool record store called Resident which I would definitely recommend. I think what I liked about Brighton was how quiet it was, I'm not a fan of crowds and I knew if it had been crazy busy then I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much as I did. It was a lovely chilled day, just exploring with no plan. There's just so much to see in Brighton. The sort of day that time goes really fast and before you know it, it's time to start thinking about heading home. I would definitely like to go again at some point, with a little bit more of a plan next time and maybe even stay the night somewhere.

We actually have another trip away coming up really soon so expect to also see a post about that! Have you got any trips planned for this summer? Have you been to Brighton before?


Monday 3 April 2017

Topshop Make-up | Smoke Sticks

I picked these Smoke Sticks up a little white ago when I was browsing Topshop online, I can never resist their beauty bit. They just have such a good range of items, their products are good quality and I like the packaging. As soon as I saw these I wanted to try them out.

I decided to get these two colours because they were the only ones I was interested in and they didn't have much of a range of colours, it was all coppers and nude shimmers. "Realm" is the lighter of the two, it's a lovely nudey pink colour with so much shimmer in it. I love this for highlighting the inner corners of my eyes and the brow bone. It looks quite intense when you first apply it but with a little blending (with fingers) it soon sinks into the skin. It does remind me of a highlighter because of the way it looks on, it can look very natural if you're light handed. I picked up another one in the shade "Trickster" which is again, super shimmery and a copper colour with tiny gold glitter. I thought that this one would look really nice all over the lid.

With a name like "Smoke Sticks" I'm assuming that you're meant to use these all over your eyelids and blend them out to create a smokey eye however this is easier said then done as they aren't the easiest things to blend! Once they're on the lid, they want to stay there. However the best way is to do a little at a time and use warm fingers as this will help move the product. I think the lighter colour is definitely easier to blend then trickster but both look really pretty once on.

I've been enjoying experimenting with these. A darker colour (such as grey shimmer or black) would work really nicely to do a smokey liner along the lid. I also just want to say that I'm not a fan of the name, it sort of seems like someone just went "that'll do" and left it as that? I mean yes it's what they are, but I think they could have been called something more creative/interesting!

Have you tried anything from Topshop's beauty range before? What do you think of these?


Sunday 2 April 2017

Lovelula Beauty Box | March

Another month another subscription box through my door!

Seascape Unwind Body Wash
This is probably my favourite thing out of this box! It comes in such cool packaging which really has thought put into it and that made the whole product feel a lot more special. I love the little seahorse on the packaging! In the bottle you can't really smell this but once you use it, it smells really lovely (not overpowering) and like lavender, it's so uplifting for either morning or evening use. Apparently it contains 100% natural essential oils to soothe and relax. It also contains Ylang Ylang to balance the mind and ease tension. It's so lovely to use and has been the only body wash I've been reaching for lately!

PHB Hand Cream
This is another favourite of mine. Hand cream is something that I never really buy, use or pay that much attention to however hands are a part of the body which shows signs of ageing so they need to be looked after! I found the packaging of this really cool, I love the little tub that it's in. It's a very creamy formula (a little goes a long way) which sinks in well and doesn't leave any greasiness. I've been keeping this on my desk so I remember to use it. I find that when using hand cream you really feel like you're looking after yourself?! It also smells so nice, (Ylang Ylang again) it's very uplifting and the scent doesn't disappear after two secs which makes it a treat to use.

Hurraw! Papaya & Pineapple Lip Balm
Lip balms are something that I always have with me and always applying. I have one everywhere, near my bed, in my bag, on my desk and at work! It's not that my lips are dry, I just like applying lip balm and I like having something on them as I don't tend to wear lipstick etc. This one is lovelula's own range and contains cold pressed papaya seed oil which is great for the skin. I like the fact that this is really natural as putting harsh ingredients/chemicals near my month is a bit of a turn off.

Laidbare For Richer For Porer
The name of this brand and their packaging really stood out to me as soon as I saw this. I typically put this mask on all over my face, leave for around ten mins and then wash my face with it. It's really soothing and doesn't dry at all. It has Kaolin Clay in it which draws out impurities and toxins, Japanese Seaweed Extract to detoxify, Shea Butter hydrates and conditions and Liquorice helps minimise inflammation! All this and it also has Rose Water to soothe irritation. It really does it all, I like to use this mask if I'm having trouble with spots or irritation or when I'm hungover. I have quite sensitive skin so some masks out there can be quite harsh but this seems so light and soothing.

Kimberly Sayer Sample
The last thing which was included in this months box was a sample of a Kimberly Sayer moisturiser. I don't really have much to say about this apart from it did seem very moisturising and I really like the fact that it contains SPF. Talking about samples is hard as I need to use a product a few times to get some thoughts on it however my first impressions of this brand are good!

And thats it! I actually really liked everything which was included in this box as they're things which I'm going to be using all the time and not just put in a corner and never used again. I think this would be the ideal first box for someone wanting to try out cruelty-free items as you've got a bit of everything in there, including every day items such as shower gel etc.

Have you got anything from Lovelula before? What do you think of this box?


Sunday 26 March 2017

Lottie London | A look at some of their products & my thoughts

Lottie London were part of a cruelty free Asos wishlist that I put together a little while ago which focused on beauty, rather than clothes as I felt their beauty section never got as much of a focus even though it's really great. I noticed Lottie London on there and instantly fell in love with a lot of their products, I think they're the perfect mix of high quality products with fun, cool packaging which reminds me of Topshop make-up a little bit.

I decided to pick up a few of their products recently as I was feeling like treating myself (when don't I) but also I needed a new powder so it worked out well. I picked up four items, I probably didn't need two primers but there you go.

Ready Set! Go Translucent Powder 
Insta Filter Pore Eraser Stick 
B.A.E Illuminating Primer 
Get The Look Palette #Selfie 

I have a few favourites within these items however I did also get the powder in the wrong colour, I got this colour because the other one was sold out however this one is too warm for me. I'm still gonna use it and when I'm slightly more tanned it'll be fine. I got this loose powder as I've been "baking" under my eyes and under where I put my bronzer recently to help set/enhance my make-up and it has been working really well.

Another product which I've been loving and using everyday is the #Selfie palette. I'm not crazy about the highlight or bronzer that they have included however the blush is my absolute favourite at the moment. It gives such a nice rosy glow to the cheeks and the shade works really well with my skin tone, its also quite pigmented so you don't need tons. I'm not that happy with the style of the packaging as the thin strips are so hard to get a brush into properly, but I can live with this. I'm not been using the eyeshadows too much lately as I've been wearing quite natural make-up however these seem quite pigmented and I really like the colours which have they included.

The last two things which I've been using all the time are the primers, one technically isn't a primer but a "pore eraser". I've been wearing these together as I feel like they do two different things. The Before Anything Else Primer is a nice, light pink colour which disappears into your skin, I've been putting all over my face. The Insta Filter Stick is a twist up, gluey type consistency which I've been using mainly under my eyes, down my nose and across my chin and forehead. I think that these two have really helped make my make-up last a lot longer and they work quite well together. I've also been loving mixing the illuminating primer and the Tanya Burr Face Illuminator for a really glory base.

I've enjoyed trying more of this brand and I think that they have some great products, which are a high quality and also a little fun. I'm really pleased with all the items which I picked up, I think they would make good additions to anyones make-up bag. Their foundations and concealers also look quite interesting so this these will probably be the next things that I treat myself to.

Have you tried anything from Lottie London before? What do you think of their products?

Thursday 23 March 2017

Sleek MakeUP | Solstice Highlighter Palette

Sleek Solstice Highlighter Palette 

I picked this product up from Superdrug recently cause I've heard good things about this highlighter for a while now. I've heard people talk about how amazing it is however what I didn't realise is how amazing it also looks. When I got it in Superdrug, it was in a sealed black box and it wasn't until I got home and opened it up that I was greeted with the stunning gold packaging. I really think that this attention to the packaging and the little details makes it a really nice product to own, it's made it that little bit more special and it isn't "just" a highlighter.

Inside, as well as a massive mirror and a brush (which I have to admit I haven't used and probably won't but it's a nice touch) is four decent sized highlighters, two baked, one cream and a silky shimmer. They all have names:

Ecliptic: this is the cream highlighter and the first of the four, it is quite pink looking and very pigmented. A little of this goes a long way. I generally wear powder highlighters more than creams however I imagine this would be good in the summer. This with another of the highlighters layered over the top would look amazing.
Hemisphere: one of the baked variety, like Ecliptic it is quite pink toned but more of a soft lavender with iridescent pinks and silvers.
Subsolar: probably one of my personal favourites. It looks very yellow in the palette but once on the skin, it sort of sinks in and the yellow disappears. I would say that this one is the most natural looking, and would suit most skin tones.
Equinox: this is the second baked highlighter, it looks quite orange in the palette but isn't at all on the skin. This and Subsolar look really nice when worn together.

I don't really like to put tons of highlighter on as sometimes I think it can look quite fake and too sort of powdery? However these are so easy to use, wear and look really natural. They are the perfect buildable highlighter to just help enhance your skin and complexion. I would recommend this palette to anyone as I think it would suit all skin tones and because there is four highlighters and they're all different, it gives you so many options.

Have you tried anything from Sleek before?  What do you think of this highlighter palette?

Monday 20 March 2017

Some of my Favourite False Eyelashes + Where I Buy Them

I thought I'd do a quick post on some of my favourite false eyelashes as I get complimented on them quite a lot and a lot of people ask if they're real! I used to be really into wearing thick, heavy and very unnatural looking lashes just because I didn't know any different. I used to wear the Eylure ones however after my recent eBay post, it's the only place I get them more now as it's cheaper and I think they're just as high quality.

I've recently started wearing a really fanned-out, natural but lengthening looking lash which is so good for everyday use, it just adds that tiny bit of glamour and really opens up the eye area. I've always been told that I have huge eyes so these lashes really play up to that. One thing that I will say is that you have to be careful with which ones that you get from eBay as some are really really long and even though you can trim lashes down, Ive never really been one for this. I buy from sellers who include good quality images so really pay attention to these so you don't end up with eyelashes that are six foot long! I've included some that I've worn below

Five Pairs False Lashes - Demi Wispies 
Vivi's Collection Fashion Lashes  (Lots of options but can be a bit long depending on which ones you get)
5 Pairs Natural Eyelashes - These are my personal favourites

I reuse lashes probably for way to long, but I do like to take care of them so they last. I think something that is really important is having a really good quality glue and the Duo one is honestly one of the best out there. If you ask anyone (who wears lashes lol) this is what they'll use because it just works so well. It's doesn't really smell (although some people will say that it does, maybe I'm just used to it), dries quickly and is so easy to remove. You can also get it in two different colours, either white (which will dry clear) or black. I get mine from and they always have super quick delivery. I also think that you get loads for the price, it'll honestly last you such a long time.

Have you bought any beauty items from eBay before? Let me know what you think and where you buy your eyelashes from!

Thursday 16 March 2017

L.A Girl Pro Conceal HD Concealer

I thought that I would share the concealer which is having a moment and that EVERYONE is raving about, the L.A Girl Pro Conceal HD Concealer. If you go onto any video on instagram on the explore page of people doing mini tutorials, you'll notice that this is always their concealer of choice! 

So I ordered these three concealers off of at like half seven on a Saturday night with standard delivery (which was free) and they turned up the next morning! I was so impressed but anyway I decided to order three as I really wanted to try them out. They have tons of colours on the website but I ordered a red, green and then a colour that I hoped was my skin tone, it's really hard to tell off of a website. I've seen people use these concealers to do the whole colour correcting thing so I thought this would be a good time to try this trend out. I get quite red skin sometimes so I was really hoping that having a green concealer will come in handy. 

As you can see from the images, it's a decent size, maybe a bit on the small size but for £5 thats fine. It's got a bit of a weird applicator, you squeeze the tube to get the product to come out of the brush end which makes it quite difficult to just get a small amount of the product out. Not very good for touch ups but I wear a lot of concealer so this doesn't bother me. I use a slightly wet beauty blender to do both my foundation and concealer and it works well this way, they blend out really easily. It doesn't take forever to settle into your skin, it's also not drying and you've got time to blend everything out. The finish is quite glory and sort of light, not cakey at all. 

I think that overall this is the perfect "drugstore" concealer as it's cheap but also has a really good coverage. It's the type of coverage which is light at first, but buildable and doesn't get cakey which I love. My favourite concealer up until now is the Collection Lasting Perfection one however sometimes I feel this can look slightly cakey as it's so easy to use too much with that concealer. I've been enjoying using this recently and will continue to use it in the future to really try it out, I don't know if I love it yet or if it'll replace my Lasting Perfection Concealer, but we'll see. 

Have you tried this concealer or anything from L.A Girl before?  Let me know what you think! 

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Tuesday 14 March 2017

New In | Tanya Burr and Zoella Beauty Products

Zoella Bath Latte
Zoella Sweet Inspirations Body Mist
Tanya Burr Face Illuminator 

I've wanted to try some of these products for literally ages! I've heard some many good things about both of their products as they are everywhere and it was about time that I picked some up. When I went into store to purchase these (Superdrug if anyones wondering), I noticed that they their display (which was together) was really well stocked and everything had been laid out nicely. I also thought that all the prices were really good for the items and because of the nice packaging, any of their products would make lovely gifts.

I picked up the Bath Latte as I've heard good things about it. A little goes a long way with this as it makes quite a lot of bubbles which I personally love, however I did notice that it didn't have much of a scent to it and I found myself adding something else to my bath as well which had more of a fragrance. Maybe this is something to bare in mind however it doesn't bother me.

As well as this, I also picked up the Sweet Inspirations Body Mist as they had different ones on display. As soon as I tried this I had to get it, it smells that good. Even my mum agreed and was both of our favourites out of the three on display. I love anything sweet smelling so this is perfect for me, I won't try to even begin to explain how this smells as I'm terrible at describing scents but if you're near a Superdrug, go and check it out as you won't be disappointed.

The last thing which I picked up is the Tanya Burr Face Illuminator, I've not followed her make-up line that closely however I have seen this in a video of hers and thought that it looked interesting. I've not had a chance to properly try this out yet however I have experimented by mixing it with my foundation and I did think that it had a brightening effect. I think this product would be perfect for the  Spring/Summer months and I look forward to using this more soon.

What is your favourite product from Zoella or Tanya? Let me know what you think!

Saturday 11 March 2017

Dancing Ledge - Ramble

Last Sunday I had a very rare day off so we (some family and I) decided to take a little walk/hike/ramble along an area of the Jurassic Coast near us, at a place called Dancing Ledge. Dancing Ledge is a flat area of rock at the base of a small cliff and at certain stages of the tide when the waves wash over the horizontal surface, the surface undulations cause the water to bob about making the ledge appear to dance.

Going for walks is something that we used to do a lot as children as it was free, something which would tire three kids out and because we had such active imaginations, any place that our parents took us could be fun. I love anywhere near the coast (Lulworth Cove for example). I think we're going to try to visit some of the places which we used to go to as kids over the summer.

It was such a nice day in the end, we did get a bit rained on (but saw the brightest rainbow) and there was mud everywhere but mostly it was sunny. There won't be a repeat this Sunday unfortunately as I am working however I'm so excited for the Spring and brighter, lighter evenings. 

How will you be spending your weekend? 

Friday 10 March 2017

Pai Skincare | Free Samples

Rosehip BioRegenerate Oil 
Camellia & Rose Gentle Hydrating Cleanser 

I was reading Elle Magazine recently when I saw a double page ad from Pai Skincare, stating that if you followed the web address, you could claim some free samples! Now I've had some samples from Pai before which were so good and I love anything thats free so I went ahead and got some. Pai are one of those skincare brands that everyone seems to have heard of recently and for good reason as not only are some of their products vegan, but they're also natural, cruelty free and gentle products which do so much good stuff for your skin.

I've tried the Rosehip oil before and it did seen to make a difference to my skin so I was excited to give this another try. It does smell very "natural" (I think it smells like tea) but this doesn't bother me at all. You only need a tiny amount of it cause it goes a long way. If you can only afford one skincare treat then I would recommend this oil as its so simple to use but can really nourish your skin, I always feel like I'm glowing after I've used this.

I also received their Camellia and Rose Gentle Hydrating Cleanser and a muslin cloth which goes with this. This cleanser is super gentle as it doesn't contain alcohol but can still exfoliate your skin. It has omegas 6 and 9, contains Vitamin E and replenishes your skins moisture barrier. I'm not had a chance to try this out yet but I think this would be a really good cleanser to use in the evening to remove make-up.

I think the whole branding of these samples has been done really well, they arrived SO quickly after I requested them and even arrived in a little drawstring bag which was just the nicest touch. I really like their own branding, everything has so much thought put into it even down to the colours that they use which are bright and refreshing. I love the fact that they give away free samples because it gives you a chance to try out the products before buying, not many brands do this.

Have you tried anything from Pai Skincare before? What do you think?

Wednesday 8 March 2017

LoveLula Beauty Box | February

This is my first ever LoveLula box which I was so excited to receive through the post! To explain just a tiny bit, I was loving getting my Glossyboxes however I decided that I wanted to explore more natural and cruelty-free options within cosmetics. After some research, I found LoveLula and decided to get their subscription box for a few months! As well as being natural and cruelty-free there is also so many benefits from ordering from LoveLula, not only do they have their own website (not just a beauty box) they also offer free delivery and free samples! 

Each beauty box comes in a recycled box and unlike glossy box/most subscription boxes out there, you don't get an actual box, just what they post the products in. I thought this would be weird and not make it feel as luxury however it doesn't bother me at all and I haven't noticed not having a box. Many beauty bloggers actually complain about recycling/packaging so I think they've really thought about this and it fits in with their branding. As well as the products, you receive a card listing everything you've gotten in the box, how to use it, where it's from etc. This is pretty standard with beauty boxes however unlike some brands which include photos of the products, they've done theirs really simply and just listed everything. They have included the total value of the box though (which for this box is £37) this actually doesn't matter to me but I'm sure some people will like seeing the value for money.

Madeira - Micellar Water
Micellar water has always been my favourite way of getting rid of make-up since it became popular in the uk. I have super sensitive eyes/skin and this is just the best way of removing make-up for me. I was super excited when I saw this product in the box as I use it almost every day. I love the simple packaging of this product, it does everything that it claims to, is really gentle and leaves your skin make-up free. It doesn't have a harsh (or any) smell to it and you don't have to use too much of it for it to work. My only issue is is that there isn't much with a bottle of this size, this product won't last me very long.

Weleda - Skin Food
I have heard of this product before but I've never tried it, I think it's one of those cult products which has done the blogging rounds before however I never knew that it was a natural, cruelty free product. Although it says you can use this product in a variety of places (such as hands, feet, body etc) because it is a rich cream, I have only used this on my face. It feels a tiny bit greasy at first if you're not used to it but it soon sinks in and leaves your skin feeling very moisturised and healthy. It is ideal for winter skin however I also think that this product could be good during the summer as a little hydrating treat. I use this at night however if you were to use it in the daytime I would allow it time to sink in before applying make-up.

Ooh! Oils of Heaven - Marula Oil
This is a new and exclusive product to LoveLula. It is a natural macula oil which is fast absorbing and full of nutrients such as vitamin E and C, fatty acids and antioxidants. I don't have much experience with facial oils and this one also doesn't come with any instructions of how to apply but I have used this a few times sparingly over the last few weeks. This isn't the type of oil which would cause problems with my skin but anyone should be careful when applying oils as it can upset some skin. I have used a small amount of this and either mixed it in with my moisturiser or just applied it all over my face. Apart from leaving my skin moisturised I haven't really noticed any difference to my skin. This is something which I think you have to continually use to see results.

Maggie Anne - Nail Polish
This is a product which I haven't been able to use just yet however it is the perfect nude shade and would look really nice next to most skin tones. Maggie Anne is a toxin-free gel effect nail polish that offers high shine and a glossy finish. This sounds perfect for many people as it's exactly what you want from a nail polish however as I have my nails done, this is only ever gonna be used for a pedicure or I might gift it to my sister.

Greenfrog - Botanical Bodywash
I was really intrigued to see this in my box as it looked really interesting and the smell of it is incredible, it's so strong (in a good way) and smells very lemony to me which is a lovely fresh scent to definitely get you up in the morning! Apparently it is made from organic soapberries (I know, I had to google too) which are grown sustainably in the Himalayan Mountains. This body wash is the perfect product to treat sensitive or dry skin and will leave you clean and soft. It smells heavenly and although I haven't been able to try this out yet, I am sure that this is something that I'm gonna love!

I was really pleased with everything that I received in this box and although at this point I could compare it to Glossybox, I actually don't want to because they are both great in their own way. I'm looking forward to getting more of these boxes through the post in the future.

What did you think of this beauty box? Have you received anything from LoveLula before?
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